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Green Fodder Importation Guarantee

The idea of the program:

The Fund helps the borrower obtain a credit line from the Commercial Bank for the purpose of importing through a documentary credit that can be re-funded, given that the guarantee period must not exceed 12 months.

Objectives of the program:

  1. Creating various funding alternatives that suit the upcoming phase in the agricultural sector.
  2. Overcoming obstacles to obtain credit services in the field
  3. Providing liquidity to increase the volume of production in  agricultural projects.
  4. Opening doors for agricultural activities to further expand.

The requirements of obtaining the funding:

  1. ​The commercial register and required licensing for practicing the activity.
  2. Filling-in the application to request the loan.
  3. Corporate and institutional financial statements as well as a report of the personal property of individuals.
  4. A copy of the national ID of the owner/s.

  1. You can apply on the e-services platform through the link: Click here​
  2. Providing guarantees.
  3. The application must be considered by the ADF.
  4. It must also be sent to the bank to be reviewed, and an initial approval by the Fund should be attached.
  5. If the bank also approved, the Fund is addressed through a letter of the final approval, explaining the amounts and conditions specified.
  6. Paying the application fees.
  7. A loan guarantee between the borrower and the Fund is signed.
  8. The bank shall be notified of the Fund's final approval to provide the line of credit and re-fund the borrower.

​For more information, please visit the nearest branch or main headquarters of the ADF in Riyadh

Click here to see the address of the headquarters

You can contact us by:


Phone:  011 - 2118688

Fax: 011 - 4187516

Last updated: 10/8/2018 3:03
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